campus 4/27/2017, 12:00pm

REST IN PIXELS: Class registration is a mess

Registering for classes shouldn’t be a stressful experience. Yes, there is some stress in choosing your classes. You have to make sure you have the right amount of credits to graduate, but at the same time you shouldn’t be losing sleep over it.

entertainment 4/25/2017, 12:00pm

HANNAH'S HOT TOPICS: Survivor's secrets exposed

Imagine having a massive secret that only one person knew about and then having them spill the beans to a group of people. Now imagine having a secret come out that isn’t only told in front of a group of people, but to millions of viewers on national television.

campus 4/11/2017, 5:46pm

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: The Republican-Democratic Party

Our government serves the interests of the wealthy. Corporate lobbyists, massive campaign donations and a revolving door between Washington and Wall Street has turned our system from a democratic republic to a plutocracy.

entertainment 4/4/2017, 12:00pm

LAUREN'S LOOKBACK: 3 reasons to see 'Shrek the Musical'

As the story goes, not all princesses and knights are society’s version of perfect. We don’t always have to live our lives the way we’re told to, in order to have a happy ending. Here are a few reasons Ball State’s “Shrek the Musical” is worth seeing.

entertainment 4/3/2017, 3:00pm

THE CHAT ROOM: Groundbreaking new take on Zelda

I know it sounds like I’m just fawning over another Zelda game because it’s another great Zelda game and I’m a fanboy. While all of that is true, I can honestly guarantee you this is the first Zelda game since the very first title that has broken the mold in this way and it has reimagined Zelda into the mainstream.