opinion 12/13/2018, 11:30am

Loud and Clear: Christmas in a drink

Each holiday has that one food that completely polarises humanity as much as politics. It can range from something simple as candy corn on Halloween to something as personal as cranberry relish on Thanksgiving. 

Opinion 12/6/2018, 12:00pm

Loud and Clear: The parasite

Good morning. It’s going to get better.  I repeat these phrases over and over. From the very moment I open my eyes all throughout the day until I close them once again. 

opinion 11/28/2018, 12:00pm

Run-On Sentences: A backward step for Michigan

During midterm elections my home state of Michigan passed Proposal 1 56-44, making it the first Midwest state to legalize recreational marijuana. The state legalized medical marijuana in 2008, and to many in the state, it was only a matter of time before it was legalized in full.

opinion 10/31/2018, 2:45am

Shepard’s Corner: Why Indiana Matters

The United States is gripped with yet another election season I can honestly say that it is a very unique one. You’ve probably already heard candidates and voters alike parading this as the highest-stakes election in the modern history of this country. 

opinion 10/30/2018, 2:45pm

Unspoken: Taking up the ticket

I believe it is our civic duty to vote. Not only do I believe it is our civic duty, I believe it is a privilege we possess as Americans that should not be taken lightly.

opinion 10/25/2018, 2:45pm

Café con Leche: Yo hablo español

“Thank you for calling customer service, for English press one. Para Español oprima el número dos.” We’ve all heard it, it’s engraved into our brains. It’s a fact that we live in a multi-language country, with Spanish being the second most predominant language spoken according to WorldAtlas.

opinion 10/17/2018, 9:30am

Adult-ish: The Coming Out Process

As a queer woman, I have to come out over and over again. This process can be exhausting, especially as I’ve come to realize that straight people never have to “come out.” 

opinion 10/4/2018, 9:00am

Pencil Shavings: The Giant Chop

I grew up in a town about 20 minutes south of Indianapolis in Greenwood, Indiana. I went to Center Grove High School. According to the U.S. News and World Report, the diversity rate there as of the 2015-2016 school year, the year I graduated, was 11 percent.