opinion 4/20/2020, 12:00pm

Indiana Scones: A cup of comfort

I wake up missing home, my family and my old life. Life is hard right now and the pit in my stomach is always there, and I am sure there are millions out there in the world experiencing that same ache. 

opinion 4/8/2020, 1:12pm

Black Curtain: The new normal

Going into your freshman year of college, there’s this huge feeling of uncertainty. Will this be the moment you realize you relied too much on your parents? What if your dream of being a news anchor turns out not to be what you wanted? Or will rooming with a complete stranger be a bad idea?

opinion 3/25/2020, 12:00pm

Bold Type: Not a quirk

When my mom dropped me off at preschool in the morning, I would take off my coat, hang my backpack up on my hook and immediately begin to cry.

opinion 3/20/2020, 4:00pm

Letter to the Editor: Please be patient with the university

With all of the news and happenings with COVID-19, this is a scary time for students. We are unsure about what our future is going to look like: will we transition well to all online learning? Will we get to keep our jobs? Will we be able to pay for food, for housing, for other necessities? Will we graduate on time?

opinion 3/19/2020, 12:00pm

Open-Minded: Deadly fascination

When I was a kid, I wanted to be Nancy Drew. I bought the kinds of clothes she was said to wear in the books, and I always carried a notebook around with me to write down clues. I was Sophie, the third-grade detective. 

opinion 3/13/2020, 12:00pm

Loud and Clear: The in-betweener

When I studied abroad last summer, I took a class on Japanese animation. In this class, we learned about the different roles animators play, and one key role stood out to me: the in-betweeners. 

opinion 2/28/2020, 3:00pm

Letter to the Editor: Thank you, voters

You did it. You voted you bugged your friends to vote, you posted on your social media accounts, you supported your favorite candidates, you got loud, you cared, and you showed up. There are more of us who believe in inclusivity and opportunity, who reject hate and fear, and who stand together with love for our community and hope for our campus. There are more of us. So let’s keep showing up. 

opinion 2/18/2020, 12:00pm

Indiana Scones: Unrolling tensions

Have you ever looked at the clock, see it says 11:58 p.m. and realize you somehow forgot to turn in the essay that is due in one minute? Well, let me tell you, you're not alone — we've all been there at some point.

Opinion 2/11/2020, 12:00pm

Bold Type: Keypsakes

My mom had a typewriter in her old office. I would sit at the desk in the back corner and type my name over and over again until I reached the end of the line, and then, I would push the lever on the left-hand side until I was back to the beginning — just one line lower — and type, “mommy” below my name.

opinion 1/31/2020, 12:00pm

Black Curtain: Being a black man in America

But what happens when that classroom is no longer a safe zone? What happens when black men are met with the same scenarios as being on the streets? Sultan “Mufasa” Benson, a Ball State senior and business administration major was faced with that exact situation.