Opinion 11/18/2021, 5:00pm

Costs of War

To me, the “War on Terror” was a lost cause I didn't believe America would win. 

Opinion 11/12/2021, 4:00pm

Next to nothing

If you plan to rely on an on-campus job to pay for college, good luck Charlie Cardinal.

Opinion 11/5/2021, 10:00am

Puppy Love

Mabel has never received emotional support training, yet she knows how to communicate what she needs, and more importantly, what she thinks I need. 

Opinion 11/2/2021, 4:00pm

Remnant of the Monarchy

A system that gives so much power to a handful of individuals does not seem to be one that takes into account the popular consensus.

Opinion 10/18/2021, 11:59am

The graduation parachute

 As students, we need to be aware of the possibility of the picture-perfect portraits of our futures falling apart, and we need to ask for the right instruction from our universities to combat that possibility. 

Opinion 10/9/2021, 12:00pm

Rise of the Billionaire Astronaut

Billionaires like Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos and Richard Branson, who have all invested heavily in space exploration and transportation, aren’t in it for the final frontier — they’re in it for more money. 

Opinion 9/30/2021, 3:00pm

Finding the balance

While Simone Biles and I are nowhere near the same level of eminence, I know how it feels to carry the weight of the world’s expectations on your shoulders, trying to prove yourself worthy of others.

Opinion 9/23/2021, 3:00pm

Behind Closed Doors

You never know what someone is going through, no matter how much they seem to have it together.  

Opinion 9/17/2021, 10:00am

OUR VIEW: Founding Our Freedom

On Sept. 17, 1787 — 234 years ago today — the Constitution was created. However, that was just the beginning for what has since become the document that has allowed student journalists like us to have the voices we have now.

Opinion 9/8/2021, 6:03pm

Fine Print: What was it all for?

Unlike our millennial predecessors, very few people my age can remember what 9/11 was like, much less describe the way it made us feel. We were, however, left to grapple with its effects from the moment we were able to form memories.

Opinion 9/1/2021, 6:00pm

Abstraction: Gay is still normal

There is still this looming idea that LGBTQ people are different. We are seen as special, unique, brave, edgy, but all those adjectives give off the same impression: we’re still different. 

Opinion 8/25/2021, 6:00pm

Fine Print: Ball State, let’s do this right

A vaccination requirement is the key to never going through that particular low point of our college experiences again. Ball State has an option to take a stand and place itself firmly on the right side of this issue.

opinion 5/28/2021, 10:30am

OUR VIEW: Good intentions, limited impact

Despite entering the 2020 SGA election with some favorable plans, the editorial board believes the Bold slate repeated many of its predecessor's mistakes. It is our hope future slates will not continue to make the same mistakes year in and year out — a change that will only come when SGA is able to understand its limits and responsibilities as an organization.

opinion 5/28/2021, 10:30am

OUR VIEW: the Daily News’ point-by-point analysis of Bold’s year in office

When campaigning to become the 2020-21 Student Government Association (SGA) executive slate, Bold promised to complete 11 platform points. Bold President Connor Sanburn said the slate dropped three of these points in his March 3 "State of the Senate" address. Based on previous reporting and interviews with the slate members, the Daily News has reached its conclusions on the completion of Bold’s platform points.

opinion 5/3/2021, 6:00pm

Abstraction: Generation Google

The problem is life doesn’t work this way. Life isn’t like Google. It’s an entire journey where you don’t get your answers until later down the line — if you get answers at all. 

Opinion 4/26/2021, 6:00pm

Toadstool: Behind her mask

I grew up admiring Jennae — everything she did, everything she tried to hide. I thought homosexuality was a societial norm, and, because of the a progressive and inclusive generation I am a part of, it has always been hard for me to understand why some of the people closest to me, including my aunt, didn’t acknowledge her sexuality. 

Opinion 4/16/2021, 6:00pm

Past the Press Box: More than a game

 I miss the ballpark, the food, the fans and the uncertainty that comes with every game. It was tough not relying on something that got me through many summers. While I miss the ballpark and can’t wait to return, I was able to take a step back and appreciate some of the little things in life, from dad’s steak on the grill to long hikes with my mom.  

Opinion 4/9/2021, 6:00pm

The Gaggle: Pineapple-beration

 Pineapples are good. Pizza is good. Combined, however, they are not. It’s a culinary aberration, the likes of which has been normalized in Western society and ingrained itself into the hearts and young minds of impressionable individuals.