Lifestyle 11/2/2017, 12:00pm

Adult-ish: Why immersive? Why not?

I have taken three immersive learning classes so far during my time at Ball State. This number includes the two classes that I am currently in. If you don’t know what an immersive learning class is, it is blank. 

Lifestyle 11/1/2017, 12:03pm

Baker's Dozen: America's Dark Horse Problem

Our nation is in trouble.  Wildfires have ravaged our lands in the hills of California. Hurricanes have come knocking at our shores. Our capitol spins like a top every day as the investigation to possible Russian collusion continues. But here’s something that may surprise you; none of these are our nation’s most pressing issue. 

Lifestyle 10/25/2017, 9:00am

Cafe con Leche: Let's not wear the sombrero for Halloween

I’m taking pictures of Homecoming on a Saturday morning, and I see these two grown women dressed up with a mustache and a sombrero.  They are walking with a group of girls, possibly between the ages of 8 and 9. These little girls are wearing sombreros too. 

Lifestyle 10/25/2017, 9:00am

Demi's Diems: The Glory Days

 The fence is 200 feet away, grass green and dirt a grayish brown from the rain that came down earlier. A man on a riding lawn mower does his work on the baseball field behind me. I’m sure he’s wondering what a girl is doing sitting in an empty dugout of a recreation softball field on a Monday afternoon. 

Lifestyle 10/24/2017, 3:07pm

Adult-ish: Alcohol isn't the problem, sexual assault is

 When it comes to Ball State’s decision to not allow 13 fraternities to have alcohol at their events, I am relieved that some action is being taken by the university but I am still concerned about the well being of women on this campus.  

Lifestyle 10/19/2017, 12:00pm

Dominic’s Politics: Mass shootings are rising, it’s time we fight for regulation and entrust our law enforcement

 Las Vegas, Nevada. Orlando, Florida. Blacksburg, Va. Newtown, Connecticut. Burlington, Washington. New York City, New York. Los Angeles, California. Mattoon, Illinois. San Bernardino, California. Irving,Texas. Seattle, Washington. Some of these cities you’ve probably never heard of. Others ring loudly in your ear as they’ve been drilled into your head by the media.

10/13/2017, 3:00pm

Demi's Diems: Coming Home

I see home in the eyes of my father as he hugs me for the first time in five weeks. I see home in the smiles on the faces of my old high school friends as we embrace and catch up on lost time. I see home in the purple walls of my childhood room, still plastered with One Direction posters that I was too lazy to take down when I moved away. 

Lifestyle 10/13/2017, 12:00pm

Outta Left Field: Boys will be boys

Cam Newton, reporter for Cosmopolitan Magazine, approaches me and asks about the process I went through when contouring my face with a pallet of makeup.  I look at him, giggle and say, “It’s funny to hear a male talk about makeup.”