12/11/2023, 10:00am

What I’ll take with me

I want to reflect on what I learned and gained from this rollercoaster of an experience. I’ve compiled 20 things that I’ve picked up as a college student in these last four years. 

12/3/2023, 10:00am

The fear tied to ageism is growing old

In our society, youth equates to beauty, but it shouldn’t be such a prominent point where it leads to fear. We need to stop ranking women by their age, looks or physical appeal. Women are more than the year they were born or their “fading” youth.

11/5/2023, 10:00am

Often missing the target, U.S. academic accommodations need to be improved

Based on my own experiences, the accommodation system in place for students with learning disabilities in elementary and middle school in the U.S. operates under the assumption that adults understand the experiences of the students better than those needing accommodation. There is a lot to be improved upon with the current system. At its core, it excludes the ones who need accommodations. 

10/25/2023, 5:00pm

Being a first-generation college student shaped my cultural identity.

In honor of Hispanic Heritage Month, I wanted to share how being a first-generation Latina in college has led to a unique journey filled with both challenges and opportunities. As a trailblazer in my family, I’ve faced the exciting — and often overwhelming — task of navigating the contemporary educational system in America while still finding ways to embrace my cultural identity. 

10/22/2023, 10:00am

Behind The Veil: How We Manage Invisible Illnesses

Even when the suffering isn’t always outwardly visible, there’s still the weighty baggage of pain that is oftentimes shouldered by those with invisible conditions. It’s important we keep an open mind so the people who are already feeling alone don’t become more isolated.

10/8/2023, 10:00am

Meal Prep is a Game Changer

I don’t want to be stressing out about when I can fit cooking into my already hectic schedule. I recognize food is a necessity, so I must consume at least something, but I don’t want to be constantly thinking about it. Meal prepping has been a lifesaver in that regard.

9/25/2023, 10:00am

Being a cat owner has improved my quality of life

When there is a cat in my life, I feel better. They bring me joy that is more apt than any television show, movie, hobby, class or even some people can bring me. And this isn’t just something that I feel either. I am not alone in this.

9/12/2023, 10:00am

What Am I Apologizing For?

I have apologized for many things. Things I had absolutely nothing to do with. And if I had a nickel for every time? I’d absolutely be rich. There is a tendency to apologize for things that we have no control over. And I want it to end, or at least for the narrative to change. Not just for my sake, but for the sake of others.

9/4/2023, 2:03pm

The crumbling division of church and state

Today, we are faced with a religious enthusiasm that seeks faith to serve a foundational role in government. Politicians and judicial leaders are more heavily interweaving their beliefs into places they don’t belong. There is no religious test to hold office, so why allow religion to intersect with the crucial legislative action that affects every citizen?