Taylor Hohn


Where we find ourselves

Out of instinct, humans naturally drift toward communities where they feel like they can belong.

Bodies over time

Many factors play a role in what Americans view as the “ideal” body.

My schizophrenia

Mikael Rehman has spent years learning how to reduce stress, deal with his hallucinations, and be happy with his schizophrenia.

Human curiosity

Exposure to porn at an early age can lead someone to an addiction later in life.

Terrorism: a digital era

Social media is giving terrorist groups and empathizers an edge—the tools necessary for mass recruiting.

Parenting out of fear

Despite studies that link mental illness with overprotective, hovering parents, many Americans “helicopter” parent out of a desire to protect their child from harm.

Hard work

Manufacturing, the backbone of consumer goods production in the U.S., is finding its footing in a changing world.