Kaitlin Lange


SGA passes resolution on ROTC priority scheduling, hate crimes

Nicolas Alatza isn’t in Student Government Association– yet. However, the junior political science major made sure to attend the last two senate meetings as the senators discussed legislation important to him: ROTC priority scheduling. The SGA resolution passed with unanimous support Wednesday, without even any debate or discussion, along with two other pieces of legislation.

Ball State works toward bicycle masterplan

When McKinley Avenue was redesigned in the 2000s, the newly implemented medians helped create a safer main street for cars and pedestrians alike. But one group was left out: bicyclists.

'Don't dream it, be it': 'Rocky Horror' becomes place for students to fit in

Olivia Germann felt out of place as a highschooler in Downer’s Grove, Illinois — a village near Chicago. She realized she was pansexual (meaning she is attracted to any sex or gender), and most of her friends were straight. But if there was one place she fit in, it was at her hometown’s “Rocky Horror Picture Show” Shadow Cast show.
