I have seen the prejudice that is broadcast through the newsfeed on my Facebook page, because my mother does not check her sources and my cousin is under the illusion that her way is God’s way.

I have seen the side of prejudice that comes through purposeful speech patterns, the lowering of one’s voice on certain words, because if people speak too loudly they might hear them; or if we say it three times in a row, one might appear like “ people like you” are monsters (says the group that protests at their funerals).

I have seen the prejudice that hangs on the wall of a youth group next to sign that says “We do not believe in evolution.” Luckily, no person is just some dream, but innate. Persons do not require belief to exist.

I have seen the prejudice that screams at others in the subtext of every sitcom, every novel, every movie, because why won’t they just say the word, dammit

But Why Do You Care What I Have To Say

You Don’t

You Shouldn’t

I Am Not The Victim

But The Bystander


I have not seen prejudice blasted in my face as pepper spray at a peaceful protest, burning my eyes like I am the one that needs clarity.

I have not seen prejudice that filters through in every conversation where someone is uncomfortable; the offhanded “you’re going to hell;” the look down their noses at your rainbow bracelet because they don’t want their sons to follow suit, as if you’ll convert them (says the group that converts at birth).

I have not seen the prejudice that kicks me to the curb, that calls me a slur, that says I am a disappointment and a disgrace, that holds a knife to my throat because I am not their kind of acceptable

I Am Their Kind Of Acceptable

Because I Hold Who I Am Inside Of Me

Because I Am Not Strong Enough

Because I Am Not Who They Think That I Am

I have not had to see that prejudice

Because although the lens in rose-colored glasses are cracked, I still can’t see all the way through, I still can’t feel them shatter

Because you get a lifetime warranty when you buy frames on the nice side of town

When you buy frames that are backed by the salvation guarantee

When you buy frames that are straight and white

It’s hard to return them, even if the shape doesn’t quite fit you